Sick of Noodles

I was laid up for most of today by a terrible stomach-ache that has been hypothetically traced to the bowl of noodles that I had for lunch yesterday. Drat that oily, unhygienic bowl of slimy noodles! The experience has been most uncomfortable; I began today with a bout of vomiting that turned the toilet bowl murky green and turned the toilet odorous, after which I had absolutely no appetite for breakfast or lunch. Woe is me—and my cough isn’t gone yet!
It, however, seems to be temporarily abated (by the absence of food to throw up or dispose of via diarrhoea); so I had a very little dinner at Canal’s. It was, I suppose, a typical gweilo dinner, by which I mean that it had plenty of meat and little or no fibre. That’s the end of my nonexistent weight-loss plan. However, it was enjoyable, if only because the sight of soft drinks being guzzled down in huge quantities by 16 people at once is a sight worth seeing. Not, though, during normal meals.
I have gotten G-mail, thanks to Kelvin. It’s about the same as my blog address: None too imaginative, but at least little spam will find its way there. It’s disappointing that my usual nickname has been taken and underscores are forbidden, but I suppose even must have wrinkles to iron out. At least the gigabyte’s worth of memory isn’t a fake. But what do I do with the invites I will receive?
I have borrowed the LOTR trilogy from Canal. I’ll have plenty of time to read them, of course, and time to reread them again; but I’ll be dreadfully cold. Chalk it up to my newfound amnesia: I left my jacket in Canal’s house! Fortunately I have an overcoat handy or my fear of cold would aggravate the tortures yet to come. According to my kid brother, stuff gets left behind every time the family visits Canal and family. I blame it on the genes. I just don’t know which side the genes come from.


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