On Passing
[Monday, March 26] Over the last weekend, two deaths came to my knowledge, both due to cancer. One was of a 3-year-old kid, succumbing to some form of cancer that tends to strike infants; one was a 67-year-old man, succumbing to skin cancer. Both were Christians. I found out about both through SMS. Both were prayed for, but both, obviously, died. I was one degree apart from each, connected to the child through the Gorilla and to the man through one of the teachers from RBS. I attended neither's funeral or wake, though I hope both went well... What I'm trying to say here is that all deaths seem to be very much the same. The manner in which they occur vary slightly, but in all cases the result is identical: a hunk of meat... Well, people have been dying for thousands of years in all sorts of ways, and I expect fully to follow in the tradition. Except I don't think my own will be too conventional... well, if I must be remembered then I might as well be remembered for having a ...