Pop the Bubblewhap
I've been having... odd dreams these days. Not all on consecutive nights, of course, and they're not all similarly weird; but for me to remember any dream at all is odd. (As an aside, I notice that the dreams I remember tend to involve me in some sort of uncomfortable situation. Possibly that is what kicks in the remembering.) I had two earlier, which I already wrote about on Facebook; and I just woke from the third. I never quite see these dreams through to the end, though; I always wake up and that's how the dream ends. The earliest of my last remembered dreams was set in Cambodia; it was afternoon, I remember, and we were walking down a generically Cambodian street--hot, dry, a sparse crowd of people, traffic running the wrong way--and somehow I was walking behind the staff leader and Sir Bob, listening to them talk; and then the discussion turned and became a discussion of the likelihood of us returning to Cambodia for a second visit. Eventually the two of them turned t...