Meat and Memories
I am writing this from my cousin’s computer in So Hour, because I didn’t bring my own laptop—I came in rather a rush and didn’t bring quite a bit of stuff that, in retrospect, I ought to have—and because I have a few spare hours with nothing terribly urgent to do. Really it’s more the case that the things that are urgent, I can’t do right now because I’m not in Spore and I haven’t got most of them. So it’s blogging for me.
If you have me on Facebook, then you probably know that for the past slightly-more-than-a-week I’ve been conspicuously absent from it, owing to the recent death of my paternal grandfather. Really he was the only one of my grandfathers I’ve ever known, since the maternal one died some years before I was born and even if he were alive I probably wouldn’t like him very much, not from what I’ve heard of him. But at any rate my paternal grandfather is dead, and the past few days have been eventful… so I wrote them all down in my notebook, and now I’m transcribing them ...