Watch the Newlyweds
I have finished my first month of work in my life--the latest of what seems like a string of firsts in this rather tumultous period of time--and along with this comes receiving my first payslip and a few other things. I've also taken my first (and second) leaves from work, both to attend weddings (which has gotten me the fisheye from colleagues and boss alike) and had a few disasters in the kitchen when experimenting with dubious recipes. I've had a couple close calls in driving, too; as it turns out I'm the kind of driver who pays more attention to potholes and the odometer than to the road and other vehicles, and so once I drove directly over a road divider (really, a little lump of concrete in the middle of the road to mark a junction) and once I had a passenger scream "BRAKE! BRAKE!" until I noticed the large truck about a metre ahead and barely skidded to a halt in time to not have actual contact between its back and my car's front. I'm alternating be...