I’m back! After studying all day and night for the past three weeks…Oops, my nose is growing real fast. Ouch! It just hit the monitor. All right, I confess already, hold off on the proboscis enlargement. I did not study all that hard during the recent exam period (recent as in ended only on the 28th). Instead of staying at home and hitting the books like I should have, I went cruising the mall looking for tennis shoes for my father—I rarely even so much as step into malls on normal days, but during exam period, I strolled around the shopping complex for several hours and didn’t even buy anything! Also, I went to the beach on a church outing. Appropriately, it rained and poured, and the sand turned to soggy muck. And after that, I still did not learn my lessons (as I should have) and went out on a round of all the local resorts late one night, after which I got home in no state to study. Of course, I have been suitably punished. One does not loaf off during important examinati...