Eh? Got Tagged!
I'm assuming Way tagged me with this, since he unfortunately did not put a surname on the list and I'm assuming I'm the only Jonathan he knows. Not that the name is that unique... Seven things I can do: 1. Totally irritate the hell outta people with neverending questions. 2. Correct people's English. 3. Give a really good tongue-lashing. 4. Sing in tune at perfect pitch. (Really. This is all that saved me in piano exams...) 5. Make farting noises by clasping my hands together and squeezing 6. Write lots and lots of crap in English essays... and get an A 7. Twist my little finger 270 degrees on the horizontal plane Seven things you plan to do before you die: 1. Finish reading every single fantasy book I can find. 2. Fall head over heels in love (to see if it's really everything it's supposed to be.) 3. Accumulate at least 60 different specimens of frozen and preserved insects. 4. Carve a screwdriver out of ordinary chalk. (I've never been able to; the chalk k...