If I'm right, I've totted up nearly RM 900 in expenses this month. And that's extra expenses, mind you: it doesn't include the "normal" stuff like food and cybercafe and church offerings. Every cent of that 900 was spent on other stuff. Well, first there was the 200 in Genting, which you already know about. The bus trip up, the bus trip down, the theme park, and most alarmingly, the food up there. Everything at inflated prices, and besides I developed a yen for Starbucks' and Coffee Bean's frappucini up there. (Must've been the cold weather, because I don't have that hankering any more.) And then there was Saturday's spending spree. Well, I didn't plan for it to be a spending spree at first, but like my family (and actually, pretty much anybody who's known me for more than a year or so) will tell you, I'm madly stingy most of the time BECAUSE I can spend a year's worth of savings in less than five hours. Like this: Saturday,...