
Showing posts from July, 2009

Winged Bills

I returned to Spore yesterday; it was another 7-hour journey, during which I dozed fitfully and ate and drank very, very little--I try to avoid heavy eating just before and during travelling: the whole process is bad enough without the risk of travel sickness. Let us see--the last post was July the 9th--that's about two days before I left Patience for KL... well, then, let us take up the story there. What happened? Let me try to recall--ah, yes, it was Thursday. Well, little of note occurred: I got into an argument with the kid brother that resulted in us not talking to each other (in fact we still haven't talked to each other) that mostly centered around him never listening to what I say unless it increases his level of comfort, and thus landing himself in a large pile of discomfort (and I-told-you-so's) and when I refused to listen to his demands for comfort (read: my laptop), he went into a fuss and stopped talking to me entirely. Not much of a loss, admittedly; his conv...

Runners and Walkers

I'm quite badly tired out. I think it may be due to me not having woken naturally since the family arrived--I've been wakened every morning before ten by an overly cheerful voice, occasionally accompanied by a whap to the stomach (and, admittedly, my abdomen is sizable) or pats on the arm or back--my sleeping position is on my belly, limbs splayed out (right hand beside head, left arm around pillow, right leg curled up, left leg straight out), and apparently this is a position that greatly invites people to wake it by physical contact. While I generally hold no objections to physical contact (except from people I have some animosity towards, or am unfamiliar with, or simply don't usually touch), the circumstances make it somewhat less than appreciated. And add to that the fact that the kid brother and I have still been helping to move heavy objects around--although the weight is decreasing, the work is still tiring--and that we commonly stay up 'til 1am watching The Nan...