Moving Garbledygah
The room is in a shambles; there are boxes all over the place, full and semi-full and empty, and dust is everywhere; tomorrow I shall go out for a flu vaccination and then come back and empty out the semi-full boxes to see if I can't throw away some of the things and compact some of the others, and more or less in the end get all my possessions to fit into the various containing-things I own. It turns out boxes aren't free anymore, at least not large ones; most of my boxes are now the kind that A4 paper gets transported in, small and squat and packed with paper and books. I have 6 of those boxes and they're all packed absolutely full and they're all much heavier than any box has a right to be, apart from the Very Large Box which is overflowing with clothes. Essentially at the moment I'm something of a nervous wreck, worrying about at least four things, of which at least three are school-related; whoever said school was easy and relaxing? I was so much more relaxed w...