Somebody, Somebody Smell That Air
Well, recess is over; it's the Wednesday of the next week, and that planned timetable? Didn't work out. Would have run if I weren't so tired; would have swam if it hadn't rained and I hadn't been so busy. I don't think I got more than six hours of sleep at any time during the week, and by Saturday I was sporting noticeable bags under the eyes--I'd slept only four hours that day--4am to 8am; though that was entirely my own fault. My procrastination combined with my sense of always being crept-up-on by deadlines meant that I'd frittered the day away on Kongregate and movies (Monty Python, no less!) and so was rushing to look at notes and things in the wee hours. On the other hand I do have a sense of accomplishment, having managed to get some things going during it--not as much as I'd have liked, of course, but real progress was made; and one of those things was to do with the FYP and the upshot is that I have slightly less than 2ft x 3ft x 1mm of PMMA...