Sleeplack Grammarwrite
I have just... well, not quite just ... I have been awake for about 1.5 hours at this point, having gotten about five hours of sleep. You're unlikely to be able to do the math, seeing as how this post will show up at different times on either Blogspot or on Facebook (someday I think I will actually just start using one and find some way to share posts other than through Facebook Notes--just keeping the link to this blog in the profile should be more than adequate for those who actually want to read it), and so I'll tell you I slept this morning at around 6am. It's surprising how the symmetry of life works, isn't it? I've gone through the whole cycle of see-be amused-be bored-be annoyed with that email about how babies just want to not poop in their clothes and children want to be with their families and so on and eventually old people just want to be with their families and very old people just want to not poop in their clothes; also that one about how life should g...