Note to Self: Haircuts may be Hazardous
I went for a haircut last Saturday. If it had been my choice I wouldn't have gone until maybe next month, but my sister is here and, well, I simply can't stand nagging. My sister is a mistress of the art of nagging: ever time she looked at me I got the feeling that my hair was hanging halfway down my ankles and looked like a haystack. (I've never seen a haystack, but I assume it's messy.) And, of course, she marshalled the rest of the family against me, so every time I went online to IM, I got messages from my mom and my sisters and brothers telling me to cut my hair. And if that weren't enough they also sent emails that pretty much boiled down to "Go ye unto all the hairdressers of the world and get thy hair shortened!" And to cut a miserable story short--pardon the pun--I went to the hairdresser's last Saturday for a haircut. I've said before that when I'm sitting in a barber's chair, I mysteriously lose whatever skills I ever had at Chin...