Heisenberg Weight

I am typing this while sitting on my cousin's bed, the laptop on my knees; it's not too terribly hot because I have a fan on the floor blowing at it. Yay fans!

I arrived her yesterday at about 8pm, having left the hostel around 2.30pm; I met my Fourth Aunt at the customs around 3.45pm and we both arrived at the nearest bus interchange at around 6.30, after a great deal of being trapped in small places with huge numbers of people. It wasn't too bad except I was carrying quite a bit of cash which left me a bit paranoid. (My family isn't visiting the grandfolks--I'm the sole representative of our branch. Thus they made me bring a peace offering consisting of money.)

I am definitely gaining weight, because I have got right back into my usual routine here: eat, sleep, go around, do not leave house except under unusual circumstances. This being Chinese New Year, I suspect the food I eat will be much more than usual. Today's lunch alone consisted of three bowls of rice (which is two bowls more than I usually have), along with dishes--meat and vegetables and so on; dinner will likely be sumptuous, too, as it is Chinese New Year's Eve tonight and the whole clan will be around to tuck in. (This means leftovers too.)

...my tuition fees, until further notice from the school, are, I think, paid. Why is it that every time I communicate with the parents, be it through email or MSN or Facebook, I want to be NOT communicating with them? It's very odd; I can talk to almost anybody, but not them. Or most of my immediate family actually. Very odd.

The Campus Crusade watched a movie last Thursday, called Fireproof; very troperiffic I thought, although not as anvilicious as most movies of the sort might be. Romance movies turn me off, very much so; I think I'd rather skip the courtship and honeymoon and marriage and go straight to the old couple part really. Why seek the tempestuous parts of life when those will find you anyway? Better to find a spot of stability and cling to it with Jaws of Life and never let go. On the other hand, the questionnaire at the end was interesting; at least, the part about it where it asks one to describe one's ideal future partner.

Of course, it said ideal, not realistic; I doubt any one living person could ever fulfill all the demands I make. But it's a question I've been asked before, and so I shall proceed to list the qualities I think would make a person ideal in my eyes as a person worth living with 'til death do us part. And here we go. They must: (obviously) be Christian and at least moderately devout; read and enjoy the same, or similar, books and manga and novels as I; be able to make, recognise, and enjoy similar pop-culture references; be tropers; be able to cook well; clean; be able to make interesting conversation; like long walks; like animals; be affectionate; be financially afloat; be logical; enjoy Seinfeldian Conversations; be somewhat random; enjoy dissections of animals; like bugs; enjoy food; swim; speak clearly and grammatically; spell well. And they must not: try to fix me without my consent; nag; conduct Secret Tests of Character; complain incessantly about the same thing; dislike randomness; read self-help books (or expect me to read such); be claustrophobic; be capricious; be constantly noisy; constantly complain about my lack of fashion sense without offering practical help; threaten me in any way; care about appearing childish when it comes to enjoying things like popping balloons; say "whatever" and then criticise my choices; mind when I want to be alone; complain when left alone; use hints as a main mode of communication. I know it's a long list, but hey. Ideal.

And while we're on the subject of what I want, my allowance this year allows me some leeway to buy stuff I want! My list of WANT TO BUY already includes a katana-handled umbrella from ThinkGeek; the Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen trilogy from Garth Nix; the Days of the Week series (Mister Monday and so on); as much Pratchett as I can get my hands on; a good computer mouse that doesn't emanate ridiculously loud clicking noises; maybe a WACOM tablet; a cork dartboard (or a wooden one?) with real metal-tipped darts, and a large thick mat to hang on the wall behind it so that misses don't bring the plaster/paint off; and the rest, if there's any left over, I shall save up for holiday use. I'd like to visit the Pig when I'm free, and besides he's going to become (or has already become) an uncle, which really has no bearing on my holiday plans. But I wanna visit him anyway. And there's a possible mission trip (to Cambodia, I think?) for most of July, that I'm still considering.

I should take long walks or jog after work really, to get rid of all this weight, but I'm always so tired after work and one does need to sleep early--then again of course I could job at 9 and sleep at 10, but my Facebook time--!


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