Aggregation of Sleep-Debt
I'm sleepy. Or at least, I've been sleepy all day; but that's nothing special, because I've been sleepy almost all week. I don't seem to get enough rest anyway, but that might be the leftovers of my night-owl habits crashing head-on into my necessarily early waking-hours; when you're used to not sleeping before midnight, having to wake everyday at 6.40am does take its toll on you. And yes, it's the third month already; and no, I'm still not used to waking early. Just last week I was late twice; but fortunately I know the public bus route now and wasn't more than half an hour late each time.
I went jogging on Tuesday, and the Facebook status on which I announced it received a total of 24 comments, of which maybe four or five were mine; I tend to make a point of responding to messages when I can. Almost all of them concerned my current poor state of health, and today everybody around me seemed determined to remind me that my reputation is, currently, that of one who eats too much and exercises too little--it's justified, of course, since I am (I think) at least 10kg heavier than almost anybody else in the Crusade. But it's so difficult to go against upbringing and allow food to go wasted as leftovers! Especially when said food is delicious. But back to the original sentence; the jogging was painful and I don't think I managed to run more than maybe 800m, and the rest of the route (I am told that the entire route is about 2000m) was spent in brisk walking and attempting to get rid of the stitch in my side, which was very painful.
I was told that stitches in the side can be removed by applying pressure on the stitch and holding breath; but it didn't work for me (it merely alleviated the pain somewhat, but didn't remove it, and certainly I couldn't run while doing that).
I think I shall attempt jogging more regularly--twice a week, perhaps, if possible? It certainly should do me good, since the schedule prevents me from swimming; but it's so very tiring. The night I jogged I was so tired that the next day I overslept by nearly half an hour, and had to skip breakfast while rushing to work, and was still late; and of course the whole day I had pain in the legs and back and that pain lasted a few days. I hope the next attempt at circumnavigating the school doesn't result in equally bad things.
I'm halfway through Wicked, by Gregory Maguire, and I must say it's a good read so far. Entertaining turns of phrase, some of which make me laugh...
Next week and the week after are going to be very hectic for me: emails to be sent, things to be arranged, and money to be spent in preparations... I must make a detailed plan and list of things to be done.
thx a lot