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Well now, this is my next and probably last post before I’m overtaken once again by the vice grip of tyranny that goes by the seemingly innocuous name of the SPM. Right now, I can safely say that I have not been studying quite as diligently as my mother would have me. After all, she says that the only way I’m going to an Australian college is on a scholarship, and if I don’t get good grades on the SPM, I won’t get a scholarship and will be forced to take STPM. Oh horrors. Anyway, I am now once again in uncertainty as I wait to see what college I can go to. (As I see it, the STPM is only to be taken as a definite, desperate, only-to-be-taken-in-times-of-great-and-perilous-danger last-minute choice; even A-Levels are better.) I shall soon be applying to TAR college, which I will probably not go to even if I do get in because my mother will have found yet another, better (read: cheaper) college to apply to.
But then it’s just my grouchiness taking over. I’ve been particularly grumpy ...