Stolen Meme

I couldn't think of anything to type about, so I decided to steal my first-ever meme from Frozen Wind. (Since he didn't copyright it...)

place an X next to all the ones you've done:
(>) smoked a cigarette (in a way... second-hand smoke, while my uncle lived with my family.)
( ) smoked a cigar
( ) smoked a joint
( ) crashed a friend's car
( ) stolen a car
( ) been skinny dipping
( ) would die for a friend (hmmm. depending on which friend it was. some people just deserve to die.)
(>) been in love (does having a crush count?)
( ) had a threesome
( ) been dumped
(X) been fired (technically it was called 'having an expired contract'.)
(X) been in a fist fight (lots of them!)
( ) snuck out of my parent's house
( ) have put the phrase 'you think you know but you have no idea' in your profile/xanga/whateve
( ) had a crush on one of your siblings friend (never knew more than a handful of my siblings' friends, and none of them attractive)
(X) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (I never asked so I wouldn't know, but I think they didn't)
(X) have a pet peeve (and don't bother asking what!)
( ) have a fetish
( ) made out with a stranger
( ) gone on a blind date (never gone on ANY dates let alone blind ones)
(X) lied to a friend (when I thought it was for their own good...)
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) been to Europe
( ) skipped school (the consummate nerd. never did this but would have loved to on occasion!)
(X) seen someone die (watched my dog die. does that count? and buried it too...)
( ) had a crush on one of your myspace friends (I don't even know what myspace is.)
( ) been to Canada
( ) been to Mexico
(X) been on a plane (ahh. the wonders of modern technology.)
( ) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) thrown up in a bar (never went in a bar.)
( ) faked sick to avoid a test
(X) have pulled someone’s shorts down (when giving my baby brother a bath...)
( ) have had your shorts pulled down (i have had almost no contact with gays or nymphomaniacs.)
( ) gave someone a wedgie
( ) have received a wedgie
( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire (have thought of doing this just for the heck of it but am allergic to pain.)
(X) eaten Sushi (and hated it! can't stand wasabi...)
( ) been snowboarding
(X) met someone in person from the internet (did that all the time when I got MSN Messenger.)
( ) been moshing at a concert (what the heck is moshing?)
( ) been in an abusive relationship (have had NO relationships. not THAT kind anyway)
(X) taken painkillers (how I survived having four teeth out!)
(X) love someone or miss someone right now
(X) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by (a very interesting pastime. but i prefer stars)
( ) made a snow angel (my brother did that. I don't like cold myself so... I didn't.)
(X) had a tea party (yeah, when little! my sister suggested it and I somehow got involved...)
(X) have had a baby/animal throw up on you (when my dog was sick before it died and I tried to force-feed it)
(X) flown a kite (and a most pathetic flight it was too.)
(X) built a sand castle (and the waves completely destroyed it two minutes later.)
(X) gone puddle jumping (my way of stress relief one day after SPM; the Pig's trousers got soaked and I had to promise never to do it again)
(X) played dress up (when little! My brother and I used to tie bedsheets round our necks and go screaming through the house)
( ) jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) gone sledding
( ) gone to the beach/tanned outside in the winter
(X) cheated while playing a game (happens all the time)
(X) been lonely (obviously.)
(>) fallen asleep at work/SCHOOL (was once nearly dead on my feet one day at work... but didn't fall asleep.)
(X) used a fake id (I forged school IDs in China to get student discounts!)
(X) watched the sun set-watched the sunrise
( ) felt an earthquake
(X) touched a snake (and darn near flattened the head too)
( ) slept beneath the stars
(X) been tickled (and hated it too! according to the person who was tickling me, I appeared to be laughing uncontrollably AND trying to stop laughing AND stop the tickling simultaneously...)
( ) been robbed (but came close to it once)
(X) been misunderstood (happens every other time I talk because of the speed of my speech)
(X) petted a reindeer/goat (and it needed a bath too! My hands stank like mad after.)
( ) won a contest
( ) run a red light (can't drive yet, but when I do...)
( ) been suspended from school
(X) been in a car accident (once. Had to have nine stitches and ended up looking like Frank N. Stein for a week)
(X) had braces (metallica teeth, anybody? oh the pain, the pain!)
(X) felt like an outcast (WAS an outcast. never want to be one again!)
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night (would have liked to but had no money...)
(X) had deja vu (again and again...)
( ) danced in the moonlight (I never dance.)
(X) hated the way you look (the way I look is a constant source of pain and humiliation... to me anyway.)
(X) know more than 5 people (DUH!)
(X) witnessed a crime (that I committed, but I'm not telling what!)
( ) pole danced
( ) been obsessed with post-it
(X) squished barefoot through the mud (lots of times, especially at the beach.)
(X) been lost (I have NO sense of direction.)
(X) been to the opposite side of the country (and back as well.)
(X) swam in the ocean (the sea is part of the ocean, right?)
( ) felt like dying (never been that stupid.)
(X) felt like you were dying (for five minutes after the car crash; I didn't know anything except that I was bleeding profusely, so I thought I was going...)
( ) cried yourself to sleep (nope. I can never sleep when crying.)
(X) played cops and robbers (this has got to be the most common childhood game ever!)
( ) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
( ) sung karaoke
( ) paid for a meal with only coins
(X) done something you told yourself you wouldn't (like blogging during SPM for example...)
(X) made prank phone calls when you were younger (lots of them.)
( ) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose (never.)
( ) caught a snowflake on your tongue
( ) danced in the rain (what? Are you mad? When it's raining the best place to be is in bed!)
( ) written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) been kissed under the mistletoe (mistletoe is not endemic to Malaysia.)
(X) have fallen asleep on someone of the opposite sex (my sisters, my mom)
(X) watched the sun rise with someone you care about (Wolf, on Killer Mountain, and my family lots of times)
(X) blown bubbles
( ) had a bonfire on the beach
( ) crashed a party
( ) gone rollerskating
( ) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
( ) laughed about something really hard without even knowing what you are laughing at
( ) screamed penis in public
(X) ate dog/cat food (Dog food. By mistake! My grandma cooks her dogs' food from assorted leftovers, and one day I happened to be hungry and found a pot full of rice and stuff... you know the rest.)
( ) told a complete stranger you loved them
( ) kissed a mirror
(X) sang in the shower (once or twice, or until my family told me to stop because the dog was getting upset.)
( ) have more than 2 piercing
( ) have a little black dress
( ) had a dream that you married someone
(X) glued your hand to something (glued my fingers together once; fortunately it was water-soluble glue!)
( ) got your tongue stuck to a flag pole

Wow. It appears that I've had a more interesting life than I ever thought. Amazing.


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