Two Movies Too Many

With the A2 in a little over three weeks away, you'd think I would've started studying in earnest already. Apparently, however, I have refined my ability to procrastinate to a whole new level, because even my roommate and his classmates (my juniors by one semester) have begun to marvel at the sight of me not studying.

It seems they think I'm able to pass with flying colours even without studying, which means that they've made me into some kind of impromptu tutor, especially Smooth: he seems to come into my room anytime he wants with some Applied Math question or other. So far I've been able to solve them, which only propagates the myth.

In any case, I haven't done any revision apart from what the teachers are doing: past-year questions, but nothing extra of my own. I think the Chemistry lecturer has finally given up on asking me for answers, because I've never been able to provide any. What I have been doing is gadding about with ex-classmates and watching movies into the dead of night--which means the next day I wake up late. It's a crazy sequence.

It began with Wolf, I think: last Saturday, he woke me up with SMSes asking me out for a couple rounds of DotA. We soon found out that, as expected, he is much better than I am, although I tend to draw first blood. We also found out that I have absolutely no natural talent in playing CounterStrike, unless repeatedly getting shot in the head counts as a talent.

Then he decided he wanted to see a movie, and we went off to watch You, Me and Dupree. It's one of those feel-good comedies where the inept, helplessly stupid hero (in this case, Dupree) somehow manages to save the day with some crazy stunt or other and survives to live happily ever after.

I dislike American comedies that have tear-jerking moments stuck in the middle of them. In fact they aren't strictly comedies. They're tragicomedies: movies where bad things happen but have a happy ending nonetheless. And, naturally, most of them have a moral along the lines of "believe in yourself and everything will come out right". It's positively, sickeningly, illogicaly, stupid. I'd rip it to shreds except that Americans probably don't have any other morals, so this is better than nothing at all.

Of course, the movie did have some funny parts. I'll admit I laughed a lot in the beginning and near the end, but frankly, it's not worth going to a cinema for. It's probably not even worth a bag of popcorn, let alone tickets. I probably enjoyed it only because Wolf was nearby for me to talk to--we both like talking during movies and criticising the whole thing from start to finish.

The second movie, which I watched last night in Smooth's room with his roommate (Smooth was somewhere else either studying or playing DotA), was X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Now the thing about watching thrillers is that I usually wish I was in the movie instead of real life, where there isn't any chance of people being born with wings or laser-shooting eyes or weather powers or whatever. And I like X-Men; it was one of the first American comics I ever saw and liked (Superman was just too nice to be enjoyable).

It's a pity that the movie wasn't at all faithful to the comics, but I won't bother to go into detail because it'd bore you to tears. I'm pretty sure I bored Smooth's roommate, but no matter since he didn't seem to mind being bored. The movie had nice special effects, but heavens, why do American films seem to have little or no sense of logic and physics?

I suppose I'd better buckle up and get down to studying very soon. I won't enjoy it, but then I have to do this anyway, so I might as well get to it and get it over with. In any case I'm going to finish the past-year papers.

Cheeky and the rest of my circle are planning to visit Patience for a week next year, since Stapler and the Gambler are both from there and can provide accomodation and food. I won't be with them, unfortunately, since I have a month-long church camp (something like an extended Bible study course) in January; but I've told them to take plenty of pictures so I can make sure they didn't miss out on any good spots. At any rate I'm busy singing the praises of Killer Mountain so they go climb it.

Of course, I'm also telling them to see the islands and the seafood and stuff.


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