I have a headache. It is not the pounding sort that makes one touch one's temples every now and then to see if the skin is tearing under all the pressure from the veins; it is merely the sort that throbs away softly, thrumming away and eroding away energy. It is late enough in the day, although it is only 8.48 to the computer's clock, that I am very nearly depleted of energy; when I have finished this post I shall call the Gobbler, then shower, then go to sleep. The Pig will feel neglected because I promised to talk to him yesterday, but was also obliged to sleep early due to this headache; but I hope he will read this and be somewhat mollified. This headache is, I think, more due to lack of sleep or rest than anything else; I cannot possibly be starving with the sheer amount of food I have been ingesting over the days since the examination. The two-hour gorging at the buffet I have mentioned.
Yesterday and today have also been replete with food, if somewhat less than a buffet and somewhat less exotic; the Campus Crusade has been having the biannual (I had to Google "biennial" to make sure I was not confusing the words) leaders' conference (it is usually a camp, but this time they had it within the University), and one hallmark of these conferences is the presence of great amounts of food. There are almost always leftovers.
This morning I got entertainingly lost again; sometimes I want to throw my hands up and take a taxi, but for some reason I've begun to look upon these episodes of lostness as interesting rather than inconvenience. Generally I see them as a chance to explore sides of places I wouldn't under normal circumstances explore, but this morning (after missing the stop I desired to alight at and ending up at a terminal) I decided that it was all God's fault, because I was made without any sense of direction and circumstances conspired to leave me without any sort of guidance available--hostel Internet flipped out and so I couldn't use online maps, for example, though that probably wouldn't have helped much. So I got lost and eventually arrived at the destination.
...I just finished reading Watchmen, which I borrowed from one of the people from Crusade. It's quite entertaining, a bit (a lot!) cynical, and the ending's rather... well, strange. But then it's Alan Moore, so that's only to be expected.
I think I shall call my brother soon, and then shower, and then go to sleep. Now, actually.