Hickory Dickory Clock
It's been a long weekend; Vesak Day was on Friday, and it's a public holiday. I thought it was a Hindu thing until a few years ago when I found out it was a Buddhist thing despite the very Indian-sounding name--perhaps the Southeast-Asian kind of environment causes one to associate Buddhism with Chinese-ness, and thus any Chinese-sounding festival or event is automatically Buddhist until proven otherwise. It's only relatively recently that I've found that Buddhism comes in more than one flavour, and the Southeast-Asian variety--in fact, specifically the Singaporean/Malaysian variety--is one of the more watered-down flavours, mixed with all sorts of strangeness and stuff as only Malaysians and Singaporeans can do. I suppose that what one can do to food, one can do to traditional beliefs. But I realised today that I have only two weeks of internship left. The report was submitted last Friday in softcopy form--if the professor wants a hardcopy I won't know 'til tom...