Hickory Dickory Clock

It's been a long weekend; Vesak Day was on Friday, and it's a public holiday. I thought it was a Hindu thing until a few years ago when I found out it was a Buddhist thing despite the very Indian-sounding name--perhaps the Southeast-Asian kind of environment causes one to associate Buddhism with Chinese-ness, and thus any Chinese-sounding festival or event is automatically Buddhist until proven otherwise. It's only relatively recently that I've found that Buddhism comes in more than one flavour, and the Southeast-Asian variety--in fact, specifically the Singaporean/Malaysian variety--is one of the more watered-down flavours, mixed with all sorts of strangeness and stuff as only Malaysians and Singaporeans can do. I suppose that what one can do to food, one can do to traditional beliefs.

But I realised today that I have only two weeks of internship left. The report was submitted last Friday in softcopy form--if the professor wants a hardcopy I won't know 'til tomorrow when I check my email--and on Friday, or sometime thereabouts, if rumour is right, unsuccessful applicants for a place in hall next semester will have received an email to metaphorically pat them on the back and say "well, you got gypped. Poor you." but again, I shan't know 'til tomorrow.

I'm adjusting to roommate-less life, quite well; my mind is almost constantly filled with me talking to myself, or a song that has somehow got in and won't go out, or randomness and whatnot; I keep getting flashes and sentences that would, I think at the moment, make a good blog post; but when I load up the site those ideas flit away. I almost want to write memoes on my phone when I get them now; then get back, load up the memoes, and get to typing.

It's a good thing the roommate has gone, though. The new keyboard is slightly--a few mm, I think--larger than the previous, and it has the advantage of being able to type the forward-slash (thus allowing me the use of the \o/ emoticon without resorting to alt-codes); but it's an old keyboard and some of the keys are stuck which then obliges me to hit the keys extra hard to make sure they get registered, which then causes heavy use of the backspace button (which incidentally is about half the size of the one on the old keyboard). And of course with the speed at which I type, including the more-and-more-frequent use of the backspace button, it sounds a little like a gun were going off at times. Of course, I speak as one who has never been within 200miles of a gun going off (excepting the artillery fire from the nearby military base), so that description may not be quite appropriate.

An idea came to me just now, I alt-tabbed to a MSN conversation and made a bad pun, and lost the idea. Such is my thought life.

Someday I'll do a real stream-of-consciousness post, and transcribe everything I think, in the form in which I think it. It won't be perfect, because my thoughts often include snippets of song or image or smell, but it will probably make for interesting, if strange, reading.


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