Rambling Thoughts
Technically speaking, I'm on my holidays now. Thank God for friendly people! I met a guy on the road, and during conversation with him I remembered that the College facilities stay available while any students at all are having classes. Which means that even if I don't, the Diploma students do, and so the computer lab is open, and so I'm here typing this post. I just changed my handphone number, and spent at least three bucks SMS-ing everybody on my list about it. Fortunately now my father is financing it, so I don't have to worry too much about the spending. Herr Robson has been nagging me for months about some forum the school has that he set up. I've visited it, spammed it, and now when I check, it's like a ghost town. Nobody ever puts up replies to my messages except Herr Robson. I can only suppose my typings are a little too sharp. Then again, I've been described by other people as 'blunt'. As in, I have absolutely no tact at all. I usually tel...