First Week

I have lived in my hostel room for one week. Enough to get to know my room-mate very well indeed. He's a very quiet person, collects comics like dust, and doesn't mind sharing anything I want to borrow except money. Not, of course, that I've asked for any.
I'm adjusting quite nicely, I think, to college life. I can deal with no curfews quite nicely--I went out last night for supper with a few friends and only got back at 1.30--and the washing's not too bad with a coin-operated machine available. However, I'm going to need to brush up on my geography, because I find I keep getting lost when trying to get around the college itself. For example, I got lost twice on my first day. On the average day, you can see a medium-height kid wandering around the campus with a blank look on his face, a map in his hands, and a very worried frown. That's me.
I'm comfy here, anyway. I've met a lot of my parents' friends (who, when seeing me, go "Oh, you've grown so much, you look just like Dad!") and they've supplied me with a lot of stuff, including food and clothespegs. Very useful, having connections everywhere you go. I plan to return to my childhood church this week, maybe even join the music team there. Who knows? It might just be that my keyboard skills still exist and haven't vanished through lack of practice.
This post is mainly just a filler for those who wonder where I've vanished to. So that's it. Oh, and if you're wondering, I'm not homesick. I don't have to be when I've got a handphone to SMS and call family all the time. (Of course, since my money is limited, I mainly mis-call them and have them phone me instead.) So that's it.
Wolf wondered how I was having fun. Well, now he knows.


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