Panthera Sapiens: One Year Old

Well, it's been exactly one year since I put up that fateful post last June.
Looking back, it's amazing just how much has happened in just 365 days, especially given my indolent lifestyle. Or maybe it's just my subconscious ego hyping up everything that occurs to me.
Whichever it is, I should thank everybody out there for faithfully or not-so-faithfully reading my blogs. It's you people that make me try to moderate my language, look for interesting anecdotes to record, and generally try to keep the content U-rated. Not to mention my classmates, who are largely responsible for me loading the place down with HTML coding. Thanks.
And I must say, it's not been quite so bad as I thought it might be when I first started out. Nobody has tried to use this blog's contents against me, my family knows about it AND approves of it (because they don't know what I type in here), and it's really doing wonders for my social life. Seriously. When you've got a blog to rant at, you don't find yourself whacking people about the head just to let off steam.
Not to mention that I enjoy the dual nature of blogs: on one side, you're baring pretty much your entire self to the world. On the other side, you're just one of many, many people out there with a viewpoint. It's nice to be anonymous, especially when it means that you don't get too much hate mail.
It just occurred to me to wonder if I'll still be blogging, say, when I'm about to retire at 65 or so. And if, when I die (hey, you can never be too prepared), I can put a bit in my will to make some beneficiary come to this blog and put up an epitaph.
It's an idea.
So anyway, this blog is one year old as of today. Happy birthday. Would anybody like to sponsor a cake?


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