It's All Over

I just finished Chem Paper 2. Well, actually I finished it over an hour ago, but the Internet connection in the school's computer lab right now is seriously sucky. I mean it. It's been on-and-off for the past week or so and it gets annoying. In any case I'm just plain upset about it, and one of my latest resolutions to myself is that when I grow up (or if I grow up!) I'm going to get myself a house, a good computer, and an Internet connection (broadband!) in that order. At least then I can Maple for free.

I got back from a church camp a couple days ago, and I must say it was really very enjoyable, although now I'm getting a bit of guilt about having enjoyed it so much when I was supposed to be slogging away at Chem revision. But then again I did do a bit of studying during the camp and I did spend two full days studying the stuff before the camp, so I figure it's OK. Then again, one of the resons I enjoyed it was that the keyboard broke down and I couldn't play for the worship sessions. (My lack of practice means that I get stressed every time I'm asked to perform.) Which just brings more guilt...

The Chem paper was darned dufficult: I thought I'd memorised everything and got it all down pat, but it turns out I hadn't: I should've paid more attention to the inorganic stuff, but then who'd've expected the questions to revolve around halogens? I mean, the examiners totally broke with tradition on this round of papers. I expect I'll get something lousy like a C or a B, which really (I hope) won't interfere with my university applications. In any case, I don't think I'll major in anything requiring Chemistry (except maybe biotech), so it doesn't really affect me too much. I hope.

By the way, my church is having a singing competition on the 18th of the month (that's next Sunday), and I entered it. Plus I wrote one of the songs my group is going to perform... well, the lyrics, anyway--and we had to chop it into little pieces because it came out looking like one of the 18th-century hymns. Jogger did the chords, and I must say he did a darn good job of it, too. (I had envisioned a very minor-key type piece to come out--the lyrics aren't at all sunny and happy.) If I win the competition then maybe I'll consider the song non-embarrassing enough to put up here. If not, then I won't.

And I'm going down to So Hour tomorrow to visit my grandparents. It's been about half a year since I last saw them, and it's dumpling season now: perfect excuse to overeat some more. (During the camp, we pre-ordered meals from a restaurant and the result was that I ate an average of three large meals at each meal. And the wonderful thing is nobody thinks I'm fat yet.) I expect, however, that I will receive comments about (a) my love life (sadly dormant), (b) my face (still not much improvement), and quite likely (c) my school life (at least I can brag there). I'll have to prepare stock answers. And at least I'll be travelling very light: I wear my cousins' clothes while there, so I'll basically need nothing more than a large bag to pack food away in. It's traditional by now that when I visit them, I go empty-handed and leave heavy-laden with edibles, which become my breakfast for a few weeks at least. I really like that.

And besides, I'll get to practice my driving down there--I've gotten absolutely rusted away. To continue the metaphor, my driving skills )if I ever had any) have been corroded into nothing more than specks of dust floating around in my brain. I'll need a lot more than sandpaper and oil to get them back together (and in this case, the oil doesn't refer to petrol).


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