Boredom in the Extreme

I'm in the computer lab as usual, even if it's not really usual times. For one thing, my course is officially over--even if it doesn't really seem like it because the A2 begins this Thursday with the Biology practical paper. This means I'm very very free now--the school, I believe, meant for us to use this very very free time to study instead of blogging.

Anyway... I got bored. I woke up at around 7 (due to Niche's alarm clock and his habit of waiting for it to ring at least 5 times before getting out of bed to turn it off AND because I told him to call me up) but actually rolled out of bed at 8.30. After breakfast was when the trouble set in: I found myself all alone in the place (at least, apparently) and without anything to do except study.

So I studied.

And then I stood up and looked out the window, and lo, it was white; and behold, it was haze. The Indonesians apparently have an unlimited supply of forest to burn, because if I'm right, they've been doing this for ages, every year, and they've yet to finish.

If the Indonesian government ever runs out of forest/wood/farmland/other related stuff, I'd probably recommend that we laugh evilly and spit in their faces before mustard gassing them. It'd probably do less damage than, I don't know, 10+ years of haze? Probably be much cleaner too. At least spit is sterile.

And it's not helping me study, I can tell you: I like to study with clean air, thanks very much, and haze does not equal clean air. Also, I like to take little walks from time to time and look at the scenery: and a world coloured in gray-and-white tones simply does not improve the mood (or aid relaxation).

So I don't think I'll be studying optimally until the next rain comes (and clears away at least enough haze to give me a more relaxing view). It's annoying. Very annoying. Stupid Indonesian farmers.

The guy currently beside me is giving me a headache, but I don't know what to do about it. Actually, he's not giving me trouble. His breath is--I don't know why, but he probably forgot his breath mints or his toothpaste or something, and he's decided to leave his jaw hanging open for the time being.

I should've known something was wrong when I came in and saw absolutely nobody sitting in the same row as he. But anyway, he's been giving me the benefit of his halitosis (what did the guy have for lunch, toilet essence and petai?) for the last half an hour. And I think he needs to control his reflexes better, because he's been laughing at his monitor for some time now. And stamping his foot. And "Don't Funk WIth My Heart" just blasted out of his headphones (which, I think, are on maximum volume).

I hope he doesn't look over at my monitor and deduce that I'm typing about him, because I would hate to have to fight him (and therefore place myself even closer to the source of air pollution). It's annoying, but I can tolerate this better than the haze, maybe because he probably hasn't been breathing sewage for the past ten years, and because this problem is easily taken care of.

Unlike the haze, which I see as proof that Indonesia is way overdue for a collective brain transplant. Or, preferably, a tsunami big enough to completely put out every single fire (and, if I'm lucky, it'll wash away every single farmer on the place so no future fires occur).


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