Cannot Concentrate

It appears that my mind is breaking down: I find myself sleeping at random times of the day, my memory functions are severely malfunctioning, and my ability to concentrate has been so badly impaired that I can't even focus on one page of my notes before I get the urge to read a blog, look at some manga, or go through MSN to see who's online and can be chatted to.

(As a side-note: people don't seem to pay particular attention to the little Status thing; there've been a few who insisted to talking to me while it was Busy and my nickname was complaining about exams to mug for... I guess the habit of not reading prevails even amongst my contacts...)

I'm not even focusing properly on typing this post: I used to be able to crank the whole thing out before bothering with other pages, but right now I'm checking my forums and looking for the latest chapter of Bleach. The ctrl-Tab shortcut is well-used on my computer, second only to the alt-Tab one...

At any rate, I've got a quiz the day after tomorrow--Maths again, heck!--and I've got to study for it, although how I'm going to do that I've no idea. I can memorise the conditions in which to apply each formula, but there're just too many conditions and attached formulae to remember--and besides, these formulae are made up of several steps, which means I have to know the proper order of each step too...

It's insanity.

We had the egg-throwing thing last Thursday. Easy Kill has a bunch of videos of it that he took on his PSP; we plan to add a soundtrack, edit, and merge where necessary, then throw it on to YouTube and send the relevant link to everybody involved. After the quiz, of course; purely as a stress-relieving exercise.

(Our other idea was to get a few bottles of vodka and drown them in sorrow.)

Einstein is great, Einstein is wonderful, Einstein gave me lots of E-books, including the entire Dark Materials trilogy PLUS the Belgariad PLUS the Malloreon! Gotta love E-books.

My kid brother got me onto Facebook... and it's surprisingly fun, compared to Friendster--I must say I don't know why Friendster isn't upgrading itself yet. Of course, Facebook does face a disadvantage where loading times are concerned, what with all its Flash apps and stuff. But with my wonderful LAN connection, that disadvantage is quite null and void.

Right now I just want some way to concentrate on my Math...


noobshit™ said…
hey man... howz things going?? why so emo la ur post.. ahhahah... must catch up things with u la...
Emo? Me? appears that my mind is even more impaired than I thought... hahaha

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