I Met A Mad Little Kid

Well! My exams are, at long last, over, and I've got a little more time on my hands than I did last week--which, all things considered, still isn't much. But at least I do have the time now to catch up on my manga reading. Not, of course, that I've got a deadline or anything to catch up to, but it's fun and it's the only entertainment I've got. Unless you count watching my room-mate study.

By the way, I had a rather amusing encounter on Saturday night, on the way to dinner (I always go to the same little corner shop for dinner on weekends because it gives half-price dinners after 8 pm). It was, I think, shortly after turning into the junction. This little red car blinked a light at me, which I paid no attention to and went on walking. When the car stopped inches away from squashing my foot, though, I did pay attention.

And then this little Malay guy hops out of the back and circles the car to come and face me. By this time I was pretty sure that they wanted me, so I stopped walking and stared right back at him. He had this kind of squashed face, hair slicked down on it like a pancake, and his features were in shadow because the street light was behind him. (He couldn't see much of my face either because I was at the time standing in the shadow of a particularly large tree.)

He opened his mouth (did I mention that his mouth was roughly the width of his entire face altogether?) and when he asked if I lived and studied nearby, I assumed he was a surveryor desperate for surveyees. Well, I answered truthfully, and then he went on and asked why I'd been bothering his little sister.

It flashed through my mind then that if I killed him and destroyed the evidence, there'd be absolutely nothing to connect me with the dead body in the drain. I curbed the impulse, though, and I told him I didn't even know who his little sister was.

He obviously didn't believe me, because if I'm to believe him I've gotten some poor little unsuspecting girl pregnant. Now please don't forget that I'm still a virgin, and I have never, ever, visited a sperm bank to donate. So this one nearly sent me into peals of laughter, but I curbed that impulse too and asked him if it was true.

He said that it was most emphatically true, and I asked for his sister's name, upon which he seemed to give up whatever his objective might have been, hopped back in his car, and vanished off down the road while I went on to dinner. A most satisfying dinner it was, too. I'm still wondering what that kid's idea was, and why in the world would he think that I'd be attracted to anybody with the kind of phenotypes he had.

Most amusing, no? Unfortunately, I didn't bother to check for the license plate, so I've no way of tracing the fellow down and sending him a card congratulating him on the new addition to the family. So that's that, unless I happen to run into him again sometime.


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