Holidays At Last
The holidays are here, finally, and I can stop studying without any sense of guilt. Of course, I never had any sense of guilt about not studying, but then I used to have a sense of guilt about not having a sense of guilt. It may sound like I have a complex, but it's the truth. And anyway who said I don't have complexes? It's just a pity that the stupid government Internet service has been on the blink for the past few days so I can't use the computer lab quite as much as I would like. (If I could, this post'd have been typed about, I don't know, three hours ago.) The plus is that it gave me some time to go through some Charmed serials (so sue me, I like fantasy novels of all sorts) and a few old Dahl books. Quite nice, and Dahl has a very nice sense of humour. Very black, just how I like it. (I sound like I'm discussing coffee, don't I? But as Herr Robson will tell you, my coffee is always, always, always very sweet.) The only thing about the holidays is...