Alone, Not Lonely

Sorry I haven't updated for some time; uni life got in the way a bit, and besides I'm not exactly hyper at the best of times so I'm actually somewhat tired at the moment.

Anyway... I got my laptop, and so far I've done a heckuva lot of downloading stuff onto it... emoticons, various game programs from GameHouse (I've got a patch that lets me bypass the 60-minute-free-trial thingy), and other things that I find to be necessary for myself (eg school class timetables). I don't know how many more gigs I have left on the hard drive, but I'm willing to bet I've used up a couple by now.

I've almost finished getting MapleStory down... it's the last of the many free programs I've been getting at (don't worry, I've got my firewall enabled and an antivirus running), and it was probably also the most troublesome: I tried downloading the whole file at once, but for some reason it didn't work. I tried doing that again with a download accelerator (which I had to download too), and it still didn't work for some reason; so I've just spent about 3 hours downloading the tiny .rar files, one by one. All 50 of 'em.

This had better work...

On other subjects, my classes have started. Technically, I can start registering for extra classes now (minors and electives and such), but I think I'll give it another day's thought. So far I've got one coursemate who's planning to take Economics as his minor, and another who wants to take IT. I'm swaying between Linguistics and Japanese (the former is a minor, the latter an elective). Naturally the former will take up more time, but it promises to be maybe more interesting.

I'll think about it some more.

And as for the classes I've taken: the introes are quite nice, apart from the bits where the lecturers tried to show the full potential of the field with pictures from science journals about nanobiotechnology and stuff... and ended up scaring the heck outta the class with all the long names. And the classes that skipped the intro and went straight into the syllabus have scared the students some more with the speed at which the profs teach the subject. Either that or the students were left rolling because of the prof's accent.

I've been swimming a lot lately; an average of 900m per swim session, and I'm planning to keep it up for 2 sessions a week. It's quite therapeutic actually, if one's alone. I spent an hour charging up my batteries like that just now... and then I went for dinner, alone, and I've been more or less alone in my room (on Messenger, though).

I suppose this seems really antisocial, but at that time I'd had my quota of human interaction for the day... Marsh (my coursemate) may be afraid of being alone, but then (I think) he's Sanguine and lives on human contact. Me, I need time alone now and then. And swimming helps with that. And having dinner in the sole company of my food helps too...

And I've therefore been charging up my interaction batteries in preparation for tomorrow, while losing power (read: not sleeping) for afterward's activities (I plan to go and make my student pass afterwards). It is, as Herr Robson just pointed out, after midnight after all.

So I'm going to end this post here and maybe visit Herr Robson's room, and then sleep.


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