In Between

I'm typing this in between Maple sessions. That is to say, I play my Maple account until the character's HP and MP are too low for comfort, then put it somewhere to heal up, and do this while I wait. The Coconut and Claus would surely denounce me as being too cheap to use potions and the like to heal the character, but *shrug* I'm not exactly in a hurry to get to the next level or whatever.

It's been an interesting time so far, certainly... having met so many people in such a short span of time means I've got a lot of faces to remember the names for. It only complicates matters that I've found two people with nearly the same name as I--one of them in my block, and the other in my course. Their spellings are more conventional than mine, though, and probably consequently more memorable...

Today is the National Day of Singapore, and it's a public holiday. Herr Robson says Singapore and Brunei will soon be jointly issuing a polymer 20-dollar note (the two countries' economies are pegged to each other), but I don't know what that has to do with the National Day... in any case there've been a lot of jets flying around and leaving interesting-looking trails. I think there'll be a fireworks display later, but I certainly don't know what time it'll be, or where it'll be, or whether I'll see it at all for that matter.

I think I should start organising this blog properly; update the links and the contacts section; add in the intro section, maybe decorate a bit, but I'll do that after I get this post over with. Certainly I'll have to organise the links properly: categorise 'em into, say, RBSians, School Contacts, and the like...

And as for the post containing all my contacts' information, I'll have to change its format so I don't have to keep changing it every few years. (Even that low frequency bothers me; the increased precision of its information is not good enough payoff for the increase in convenience...) Maybe I'll get it all done tonight, but that's slightly unlikely... Still, we'll see.

The Empress's and the Coconut's A-Levels results will be out tomorrow. I wonder what the outcomes will be... in both cases, of course, hopes aren't high--and in both cases the next step has already been determined, so the results aren't likely to affect much. I hope nothing too terrible occurs though.

The textbooks sure are expensive here... Marsh and I have tried to obtain secondhand books, but so far the efforts are proving unsuccessful... Tomorrow we'll be buying some originals from the campus bookstore--Math, actually, it's turning out to be one of the tougher subjects, not least because we've both forgotten almost everything we ever knew about it in the past 8 months--and then maybe study or something.

You know, I always thought study groups were for panicking before exams. Now it looks like they'll be a very important part of uni life... then again just being in class does induce a sort of panicky state in me now that I know how fast the professors plan to teach. The common declaration that the lectures don't teach enough, and we should do extra reading up ourselves to do well, is worrying: of course I can see the rationale behind it, but really.

I wasn't planning on spending 4 years in a state of fear when I came here.

Speaking of fear... last night, the Malaysian Association had a little get-together, and somehow a bunch of us wound up sitting on the Arts, Design, and Multimedia building (it's designed so that its roof is grass and can be walked on), playing Truth or Dare. It eventually came to my turn, and I said Dare.

(Because everybody up to that point had chosen Truth, and we were running out of original ways to phrase "Who here are you in love with?".)

And then they said I had to make every girl in the circle laugh. To appreciate the difficulty of this, you have to realise that it was night, the rest of the group was telling the girls to make it difficult for me, and the definition of smile was "visible teeth", which meant curved lips didn't count. And the worst thing was that all the girls seemed to have mastered the art of the poker face...

In any case I didn't succeed--I've never been able to make people laugh on demand...

Tomorrow I also have to stop by the Citibank branch in Orchard... for the banker's guarantee. In a way it's a mark of shame: most of the students here don't need it, because they're under the tuition grant and therefore the Singaporean government pays most of their way. I, on the other hand, didn't qualify (ouch!) and therefore the university wants proof that I'm capable of paying the fees for at least one semester...

I just hope everything goes smoothly enough... but it's a bit of a blow to the ego. Classes have barely begun and already I'm facing proof that I'm not quite as good (read: intelligent/hardworking/other adjective) as 99% of the population here...


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