Still Alive and Rockin'
Yes, well, so the exams officially ended an hour and a half ago, during which I've giddily consumed a McFlurry's (they sell 'em TINY in Spore, such a ripoff) and merrily told everybody that my exams are over, in capital letters over MSN. Most of them said congrats, and one or two (that haven't finished their exams yet) expressed messages of deep and long-lasting hate and jealousy. So fun. Anyway, so now I have two packets of TimTams waiting to be eaten, two bottles of Bacardi Breezers to be drunk--yes, I know they're only very mildly alcoholic and are generally considered a little child's drink amongst the alcoholically-experienced, but to heck with general opinion--and a pack of sugar biscuits that's at least one year old to open and consume with great gusto and as much instant coffee as I can stand to drink in one sitting. What? I deserve to be hyper now. Bouncing off the walls and suchlike, although I must admit a celebration is much more festive when t...