The Boringness, the Boringness!
I just went through more stress in an hour than I've gone through for the past week. Let nobody fool you, Physics is tough! I have no idea why they made it only last one hour, though: all the other subjects' Paper 4 last one hour and fifteen minutes each... or something like that, anyway. I'm not too sure, my sense of time has gone off whack since I don't have classes to regulate myself by anymore.
Naturally, I'm in the process of gleefully handing back all my knowledge to my lecturer. I have to fill up on phase equilibria and transition chemistry by Friday, after all, and I can't do that while saturated with one year's worth of formulae and principles.
I shall regale you now with the boringness (that's not a proper word, but I find it adequate) of my hostel life for the past week. Because, honestly, I have begun to wish for something more to do than wake up late, eat, and study. And watch anime every night (Gawk Hour and his roommate have an unlimited supply of Bleach and Naruto episodes, so their room is a nightly anime fest.)
Seriously. The only thing that breaks the monotony is the occasional visit from one of Niche's classmates for a study fest, or a bit of rain, or... or... or... well, that's about all that breaks the monotony. And I've all but lost contact with everybody by now, since no school = no outside contact as far as I'm concerned.
I'm so horribly bored. Bored, bored, bored. Hopefully I'll get over this when the A2 finishes, but it isn't likely.
On the brighter side, I've gotten loads of music scores (or at least I will when I get Niche's stuff photostated) to work on if I ever get the chance to. So far all I can do is hum along to the score.
Naturally, I'm in the process of gleefully handing back all my knowledge to my lecturer. I have to fill up on phase equilibria and transition chemistry by Friday, after all, and I can't do that while saturated with one year's worth of formulae and principles.
I shall regale you now with the boringness (that's not a proper word, but I find it adequate) of my hostel life for the past week. Because, honestly, I have begun to wish for something more to do than wake up late, eat, and study. And watch anime every night (Gawk Hour and his roommate have an unlimited supply of Bleach and Naruto episodes, so their room is a nightly anime fest.)
Seriously. The only thing that breaks the monotony is the occasional visit from one of Niche's classmates for a study fest, or a bit of rain, or... or... or... well, that's about all that breaks the monotony. And I've all but lost contact with everybody by now, since no school = no outside contact as far as I'm concerned.
I'm so horribly bored. Bored, bored, bored. Hopefully I'll get over this when the A2 finishes, but it isn't likely.
On the brighter side, I've gotten loads of music scores (or at least I will when I get Niche's stuff photostated) to work on if I ever get the chance to. So far all I can do is hum along to the score.